Loaded the dishwasher at least 10 times.
Swept the floor at least 200 times.
Made breakfast and lunch and snacks and dinners on a never-ending cycle.
Vacuumed red dirt out of my carpet and rug multiple times (dang backyard renovation).
Cheered while Mr. Miller and neighbor Nick finished putting our tramp in the ground (hooray!).
Swooned over Mr. Miller working hard for our family fun about 300 times.
Watched endless flips and kicks and twirls and cartwheels on new in-ground tramp.
Tubbed Grae in the kitchen sink 2-3 times each day.
Said “what’s in your mouth? KKKKKKAAAAAHHHH!” to Grae about 1200 times.
Drank my body weight in coconut diet coke with lime.
Said “I love summer.  I’m so glad school is almost out.” about 60 times.
Kissed Mr. Miller countless times.
Listened to 2 conference talks.
Made one chocolate cake.
Attended one of my dad’s concerts.
Watched one dance recital of my sweet nieces.
Ate up one family date night.
Enjoyed one BBQ with neighbors/friends.
Didn’t sleep quite enough hours.
Loved this scene every single day:

I have got a full heart this cloudy Monday.
Rain in the forecast for the week and the last week of school.