I can’t believe we have been in our house 2 weeks and already so much has happened.  My head is overwhelmed and my heart is literally oozing over (in the form of teary hormonal late nights and big milky boobs).

I am going to break down the posts because there is so much I have to say about it all.  New house! New baby! Labor! Getting settled! Jaundice! Doctors vs. Midwives! Oh my! But until I can get my head to wrap around all that’s happened enough to put into words, I am going to give you a sneak peek at the first week in our new house, and quite possibly the best week of my entire life.

We ended the week spending the day snuggled in bed as a family of 5.

Now that baby of mine is hungry (as always) and my life as a mom of 3 with no help officially starts today (pray for me!), so I must be off, but I’ll be back with details soon. 🙂
