These sister girls have my whole heart.  And I mean my heart is literally bursting with love for them every minute of the day.
I have loved nothing more in this life than watching their friendship flourish before my eyes.
They’re happy to see each other every single morning when they wake up.
They rarely get sick of each other during the day.
The worst punishment they get is being grounded from each other for a few minutes.
They fight, they bug each other, they push each other’s buttons.
But they’re sisters.  That’s what sisters do.
They help each other all throughout the day.
Harlo is helpful with getting Stella into the car (opening the van door), helping her get her coat on, remembering her boo, making sure she has an ipad/entertainment for the ride if possible, does the majority of the cleaning of their room (which is supposed to be a joint affair).
Stella is our best finder! She helps Harlo find things all through the day.  She always gets herself dressed, then helps Harlo find whatever she wants to wear for the day.
Harlo is very computer savvy and Stella doesn’t care much for electronic games.  But during the computer time, Stella will sit quietly on a chair next to Harlo and watch her play without complaining one time.  She is just as happy to watch as she would be to try to do it herself.
Harlo wont go anywhere without Stella, except for preschool.  I’ve tried to implement times that I just take one or the other, and they think they’re being punished.
Stella is always concerned about Harlo’s happiness.  She hates to see her sister upset.
Harlo isn’t very affectionate herself, but she’ll let Stella snuggle her with her boo and kiss on her all day long.  She’ll say, “mom, look.  Stella’s being a snuggle worm again!”
Both of them don’t like when the other is in trouble.  They’ll visit each other in time out and come and try to talk me out of punishing the other one.  I’ll overhear them say things like, “Harlo, mommy hurt my feelings,” and talk each other through it until they’re ready to come talk to me.  I love that they do this with each other.  They’re truly each other’s rock, and the door swings both ways.
They are so thoughtful of each other.  If Stella gets a treat, she’ll always ask for another to take to her sister and Harlo does the same.
They get excited for each other and celebrate each other’s accomplishments.
Harlo will come in to show me a picture Stella drew (even though Stella’s drawings aren’t as clear as Harlo’s) and say “Mom, look at what Stella drew!  She did such a great job!” in front of Stella and Stelly just lights right up.
Harlo gets excited when Stella makes good choices.  The other day after Stella had cleaned up her share of the room, I overheard Harlo say to her, “Stella Johan Miller, that’s a good girl!” ha!  Then of course they scurried out together to come and show me – or rather lead me to it with my eyes closed… that’s always their reveal of choice.
I love watching them play together.  They have these whole scenes and scenarios they create and somehow both of them know exactly what it is without ever having to discuss it.  Then the game can change into something completely different without the other one skipping a beat.
They are so imaginative and they thrive off of each other’s ideas.  Last night at the dinner table (at a nice non-kid-friendly place) they were sitting quietly just playing make believe with their fork and spoons as the characters in their story.
I can’t imagine them doing life without the other.
The Lord knew exactly what he was doing when he sent sent them to the same family.
This afternoon I found Stella asleep on the couch, scooted right next to Harlo playing a game.  Such a typical scene for them.
Being a mom is so complex sometimes because I have a relationship with Harlo, and a different relationship with Stella.  I mother the both of them equally and have to figure out what works for both them individually and what works for our family as a whole.  Then I get to step back completely and allow them to have a relationship together – just the two of them.  They work things out in their own way and time, sometimes needing help from me and sometimes not.  They learn to compromise and take turns.  They learn compassion and love from one another.  And I think the most important of all is that they learn that they are never alone in this great big world.
I knew I wanted my children to have a sibling, but what I never realized is that I would be giving them their best friend.
I hope they stay this close all throughout their life.
I hope I always enjoy raising these girls as much as I am enjoying it right now.