Quiet Sunday afternoons have come to be some of my favorite times.

Our busy morning of getting ready and heading to church is through.  There is peace and fulfillment in all of our hearts.  The girls are well behaved and the house is quiet.  Stella changes immediately into her swimsuit the second we walk through the door, but Harlo likes to stay in her church dress for the better part of the day.  She is a lover of all things fancy, so Sunday best is her favorite.  A few hours after me and the girls get home, Brady comes waltzing through our front door.  It’s my favorite time of the whole week.

This last Sunday, as I was getting ready to nap with Stella (our other favorite part of the entire week), I overheard Harlo in the living room telling her dad all about how she loves snowflakes and how beautiful she thinks they are.  (They really are!) Then I heard,

Brady: “Do you know what’s even more beautiful than a snowflake?”
Harlo: “What?”
Brady: “You.”
She smiled and snuggled in a little closer.

I had to put my hands over my heart to make sure it was still beating with all the love it was holding.  It’s these little tiny moments in life that make every single thing worth it, you know?  I spent the rest of the afternoon asleep on the couch with Stella wrapped entirely around this huge belly of mine.

Oh my word, friends.  Life is sweet.