I have such an awesome feature today.

Jacob’s scarves is a company that sells beautiful scarves to help support a little boy from China – Jacob – receive bilingual education.  You know that I love me a fun scarf to pull an outfit together, but I love even more supporting an awesome cause.  Kiri is the beautiful heart behind this company and she’s got an awesome blog herself that helps support other small businesses as well as follows her daily life.  I’m thinking any person left on your shopping list would love one of these scarves, and you’ll feel extra good about it because it’s giving Jacob a shot at a great education.  If I’m on your Christmas list, I would gladly take one of each of these gorgeous designs. 😉

This particular scarf has become my pretty much daily accessory.  It’s warm without being too bulky, goes with everything (and I mean every.thing), and adds a dash of style to each look that I have (which aren’t dwindling due to this watermelon in my mid-section). 😉 If I could only choose one of these scarves, this one was definitely a great choice.

:: twenty six weeks ::

The good news is: I finally fill out my maternity jeans.  The less than good news is: I had to gain 7 lbs this week to accomplish it. 😉
When I first found out I was due in March, I thought that the holidays would help things seem to go a little quicker.
Now they seem to be going so fast I can’t even catch up.
I am going to be done with this pregnancy oh so soon! I can’t even believe that.
3 little girls.  My heart can hardly wait.
I feel so calm about this pregnancy.  Probably the calmest one yet.
My emotions however have not been as calm.  I feel myself getting frustrated easily and being overly sensitive.
My skin has been on a roller coaster this pregnancy but has seemed to start clearing up again this last week.
My eyes have gotten progressively worse with each baby and this one  is no different.
I constantly feel like I have something in my eye that is blurring my vision, but nope.. just my new vision.
I went to the eye doctor yesterday because I woke up with what felt like a rock in my eye and after 3 hours it was still very much there… After a very nerve wracking visit with metal tools being far too close to my eye ball, the rock was flushed out and my very scratched eye was as good as new (after 5 days of eye drops – blah!).
It was time for my yearly visit anyway, but Dr. Andrus told me to wait until 3 months after I deliver to come in for my exam. “They’ll get worse before they get better,” he told me before he headed me out the door with a numb right eye.  He said the 3rd trimester and just post partum your eye sight goes down considerably but may improve after that.  Here’s to hoping!
Pregnancy can do the weirdest things.
I’ve been getting a little swelling in my feet some days.  Never had that with my other two.
I have been loving coke this week.  I’m so bad!
My current favorite food is honey greek yogurt with granola.  I could eat it for every meal right now.
I feel like I’ve had more ligament pain with this pregnancy.
I can’t move any sudden way without getting a stabbing pain right near my hips.  Sneezing is the worst!  Trying to roll over at night can also send me through the roof with a shooting pain.  “Trying to roll over” being the accurate way to put it.
Lifting Harlo is becoming harder and harder.  I can’t carry her for sure, but even lifting her into the cart yesterday was a struggle.
Stella is not much easier.  She still wants me to hold her sometimes but I don’t have much of a hip to prop her on these days so I can barely hold her for more than a minute or two.
We make up for it with lots of snuggling during the day.
My favorite part of the day is laying down with the girls at night and feeling the baby wiggling all around, nudging Stella who is almost always wrapped around my belly.
As full as this belly of mine feels, my heart feels just as full.