I’m sassy today, so beware.

I woke up today with a raging headache.. the same headache I went to bed with and tossed and turned all night with.

I’m supposed to take my tylenol with some caffeine for my headaches, but a can of diet coke just didn’t sound delicious at 8:30am, so I opted for some orange juice instead.  I do not like breakfast food and have a really hard time eating in the mornings.

The pest control guy came by at 9:30, which I wasn’t expecting and when I got to the door after grabbing my robe to cover myself up, I noticed it was already wide open (thank you Stella) for who knows how long… I was this close to being caught in my undies by the poor unsuspecting pest control guy.

I had to leave him there because we were almost late for preschool.  I returned home with my 3 year old and headache still in tow.

I tried to write a blog post, but was quickly interrupted by the pending nausea I had also acquired sometime this morning.

Can I just interrupt this post to say that I am sick of being sick?  Week 18 of this madness, but who’s counting?

Before I knew it (not really), lunch time was here and Mr. Miller called to see what sounded good.  Port of subs was the ONLY thing that sounded good and I wasn’t about to budge on that.  The good man complied and took his pregnant wife to her cravings desire.

Before I could even finish my delicious sandwich, the furniture store called to say that the couches we ordered 6 weeks ago, that were told would be here in 4 weeks, were still not done and they really have no idea when they’ll be here.  Awesome.

Before we were even done discussing that, my doctors office called to tell me that since I am a “home birther” they can no longer see me unless I commit to seeing them for all my prenatal care and not my midwife.  It’s not hugely necessary to have a back-up doctor, but I’ve liked my OB and kept him around through my last pregnancy to do the more medical side of pregnancy (blood tests, ultrasounnds, etc.) since I was already an established patient.  Now, I’ll have to find somewhere else to do those things which may not seem like a big deal, but it just rubs me the wrong way.  Feels a bit like discrimination to me.  Considering also that I’ve paid $900 to their office so far for this pregnancy and the last that ended in miscarriage.  But apparently the risk is too high to take on a (low risk) patient who may end up coming to the hospital after laboring at home for any amount of time.  Weird that babies in distress at the hospital are never blamed on the doctor, hospital, hospital staff, epidural, pitocin, antibiotics, intervention, etc… but a baby that may be in distress during labor at home is always blamed on the fact that the baby was at home.  Add to that the actual statistics of a babies being stressed out in a hospital vs. home (home being substantially less) and it’s enough to get you rather annoyed.

Just after this, I got a notification that ANOTHER proactiv payment had been made through my card.  Apparently, proactiv is a super shady company.  I ordered a 30 day supply to try it out for $29.95.  Unbeknownst to me, that somehow automatically signed me up for a 90 day supply of $90 in the fine print of an invoice that was glued to the box that they say “if you don’t call and cancel it, we’ll assume you wanted the $90 supply” that the payments (conveniently, they say!) are split into 3 payments of $30.  So now I have enough proactiv for a small army and it’s not even working well for my skin.  To get my money back, I have to pay for the shipment (that I never ordered) to be returned and they’ll credit my card back the $90 or so dollars they have charged without my permission.  On the phone, they call this “a convenience offer to their preferred customers!” Isn’t that nice?  So, if you wondered how the proactiv was going, the answer is: NOT GOOD.

Now it’s 2:00 pm and I’m officially writing this Monday off.  Tomorrow will be a whole new day and how grateful I am for that!

I am currently slipping back into my sweats, turning on a movie and snuggling my littles for the rest of the afternoon.  That cures any kind of moody monday!

I hope you’re having a better day than I am!
