Well, yesterday my day turned around rather swimmingly (I’ve always wanted to use that term, does it work here?).

Mr. Miller called me at 11:45 and said, “I’m on my way there, get you and the girls ready for a delicious lunch.”
I quickly hopped to it!
For the first time in the history of the Miller Manor, the girls got their clothes on after just being asked ONE time, and neither outfits required a tu-tu or alteration on my part.  Miracle!
(Stella even put her dress on OVER her bikini.. how could I refuse that?  I couldn’t.)
I needed to hop in the shower because I was smelling rather late-morning-ish.
I decided to keep my hair up and not wash it and rock a messy top knot… then that got me thinking… how long had I been wearing this top knot?

 3 days – at least, was my guess.

As promised, Mr. Miller took us to a delicious lunch at Durangos where we eat at almost as much as we eat at Cafe Rio.
**side note: when I was pregnant with Stella, Brady once suggested we name her cholula due to all the mexican food I eat.. smothered in cholula, of course!
We got home and got back to work.
Harlo was decorating her virtual bedroom on the computer and as she was hanging a virtual kitty poster, she said to me, “kitties are my favorite.  I’m just not sure why they’re so cute and peculiar.”
Then  Stella came in and demanded a snack (she didn’t touch her lunch because she wanted white noodles and not beans and rice!)
We headed to the kitchen and she asked for a “yogurt thing”. (did you know chobani yogurt makes tubes just like go-gurt without the ridiculous amounts of dyes and sugars I wont allow my children to have?! Exciting day here at the Miller Manor)
I thought I would surprise her with a special treat and said “how about a POPSICLE?!”
“No, a yogurt thing.” She said,
As soon as I opened hers, Harlo wanted one, too.
Chobani : 2 Otterpop : 0 – go Chobani!
Then I said “Stella, if you could have anything to make you happy, what would you have?”
and she said, “a bathtub when it’s dark outside.”
That I can do, Miss Stella.
I aim to please.
After that, I sat and enjoyed myself a nice gingerale while listening to the girls play barbies and play-fight.
Then Stella got bored and moseyed back into my office for me to munch on her little cheekies.
Then she said “mama, take a pictcha ub us”, and then the real magic happened.
 At 4:59, I realized I was late starting dinner.  I called Mr. Miller to tell him the only thing I had all ingredients for was enchiladas, but we had kind of already eaten enchiladas today.
Mr. Miller is not a repetitive type of eater, so he said “No, how about we just do something easy like in-n-out.”
That I could do.
We hurried into the car when Brady got home because I had a shoot at 7:30.
It was a perfect day when I left my house at 6:34pm, but when I returned at 7:06pm it was a windy disaster.
Wind is to photography what rain is to an outdoor wedding… and probably even worse.
Mandatory reschedule as the wind was only getting worse.
The girls celebrated my surprise night off with sitting me down for a magic show.
Harlo made Stella disappear (while my eyes were covered, of course! A true magician.)
And to get her to reappear, I had to yell “POLKADOP!”, then cover my eyes again and wouldn’t you know it?  Stella reappeared.
(do you love that my girls call polkadots, “polkadops?” I sure do.)
(my little magicians)

After that, Mr. Miller had to go home teaching so I made Stella’s utmost dreams come true by putting them in the tub when it was dark outside.
They got to play for “5 more minutes” about 5 times.
They were freshly tubbed and jammied just in time for Daddy to come read stories.
These completely normal days in my life mean everything to me.
Motherhood is sometimes monotonous, it’s physically and emotionally draining, it takes about 100x more patience than you think you have.
But man, it sure is magical, isn’t it?