Tomorrow I leave this cozy little life of mine and head to the always fabulous, WPPI.

I’m equally as excited for WPPI as I am dreading leaving my babes for a few days.  But isn’t that the name of the game in motherhood?  Always searching for balance in life while your heart is being pulled in two different directions?

It’s good though.  I naturally always want to stay with my family but when I branch out and do what I know I need to do.. it’s good for me.  I sometimes forget about me.  The real me.  Not the mom-me or the wife-me or even the blogger/photographer-me.  The me that’s under all those hats.  I need to take care of that lady, too.

So I am hesitantly kissing these sweet faces goodbye tomorrow and heading for Viva Las Vegas!  I’m hoping to do a little soul searching (is soul searching even allowed in Las Vegas?) and find a little fire inside myself.  I’ve been missing some spark lately.

I’m not sure how much I’m going to be writing here.. I’m thinking spotty at best, but I promise to return with a full head of thoughts, fresh and ready for my fingers to catch up with.

I’ll miss you!

xo, C