This week I’m linking up with the Anderson Crew for an Embrace the Camera day.

I stumbled upon Emily’s blog a few months ago with a link to embrace the camera.  It really got me thinking, and those thoughts have stayed with me.

I just love the whole idea.  I love the idea of documenting ME with MY CHILDREN.  Because I’m their mom.  And even though I might remember that I rarely wear make-up on days home with my kids and that I almost never get out of my sweat pants, I am their mom and they love me just the same.  They’ll want to remember me just like this.

Today me and one of my best gal’s Jess were chatting over lunch as we watched our kids play in the backyard.  We were saying, these days are so short.  Things are going to change.  Our babies are going to grow up and gone will be the days that we could get together in our sweats and sympathize over potty training and teething and ornery husbands.

I want to remember these days.  I want to remember how I am and how I feel and the things I do with my children.  In even one year, our life might look completely different than it does now.

I want to remember after-naptime snuggles with this sugar baby.  Possibly my most favorite time of the day.

Rodeo lovins and more naptimes snugs…

 And the time I get to spend with this lady while her sister naps

And that one early morning I wore this mask around the house and the girls laughed and laughed and laughed.

I also realize all of these completely imperfect images were taken with my iphone front camera which is almost useless… but it’s what we’ve got at hand to embrace the moment sometimes, and that’s what matters to me.

I am, however, hoping to start embracing the camera with my real camera.  Self project portrait coming on??? This is me trying to commit.  Tripod ahoy!

Anyway, I love Embrace The Camera and I hope you’ll join in with me!  Head over to  Emily’s blog for the details, but even if it’s not in blog-form… take more pictures with your kids!  It’s so important.

And if you don’t want to take your own pictures… hire me to do it. 😉

(you see what I did there?)

Today we’re heading to San Diego to visit our beloved Auntie and to do some family sessions while we’re out there.  Beach sessions renew my photography soul.  I’m so excited!

Happy Thursday, everyone.

xo, C