To my dearest followers friends,

If you have followed my photography journey for a while or you’ve just recently been here, I thank you.  I hope you’ve liked what I’ve had to share.  But I feel like I owe you a little more.

You see, photography is an important part of my life.  In fact, when I think of the things in my life in order of importance, I think my husband and children and my other baby, photography.  And somewhere in there, my dog Itty.  I hate to leave her out.

So, I’m going to be sharing more of myself on here.  For 4 years I have blogged about my family and bits of my life as a mom over here.  I have always just talked about my clients and pieces of my photography life here in this blog, but I feel now that the two need to co-exist.  Because they do co-exist… together, inside me.  My photography is a reflection of me, and I feel like that’s a big part that needs to be shared here, on this blog.  Not just the me that’s a photographer, also the me that’s a mom, a wife, a girl trying to follow her dream while making a beautiful life for her family.  You follow?

I want this to be a place where you come because you maybe relate to me as a young mom, or maybe you think I’m kinda funny. (I think only my sister Ali thinks I’m funny, but maybe you do to?) Maybe you also like to try to cook healthy meals for your family, or read books on things like switching your family to raw milk, or the process of giving birth, like I do. (Should I be embarrassed to admit that?) Maybe you also have a funny, crazy, moody, silly toddler (or two) and you get why I have to play dress up for 10 hours a day, or why I walk into the kitchen on a daily basis with something or other spilled all over my kitchen floor.  Maybe you get why watching my husband rock my babies to sleep makes me weak in the knees.  Or maybe my pictures just make you smile.

Whatever the reason you’ll like to come here, I hope you do.  Because I’ll be here.  Sharing both parts of my life.  My photography life, and my life as a mama/wife/bohemian/dreamer/lover.  Because I want you to know about those things.  Oh, and my dog Itty.  I think you should get to know her, too.

So if you love me, great.  If you get me, perfect!  If you think I’m kind of a crazy hippie, well.. that’s okay, too.  But at least you’ll be getting the whole package.  Because if you want a part of me, you get all of me.  That’s just the kind of girl I am.

xoxo, C