I’ve been working a few nights a week at Haven and unfortunately Brady does our night time routine all on his own… as sad as I am to miss out on the bedtimes and all, I’m glad Brady and Harlo are getting some quality “daddy-daughter” time =)
I have to admit, I was a little nervous about Brady being completley on his own for that long, with that much to do each night I’m gone (feed her solids, give her a tubby, lotion, jammies, bottle, and rock her..) He’s doing so great and I’m so proud of him, but most of all I was worried about him not knowing how to keep Little Miss Diva busy for a few hours before all of that.. Well, worry no more! Turns out Daddy is way more innovative than Mommy is:

Well, well.. isn’t this a fancy toy for a 6 month old? And who would have guessed, she LOVES it! Our goal is for her to learn her home row keys by her first birthday 😉
“Harlo, where’s your nose? Good. Eyes? good. Shift key? good!” (can’t you imagine?) Oh, I should add that Brady is seriously hoping that will happen, and google will pay for her college. No joke.
So yes, may all of you sleep easy knowing that Brady is doing fine on his own. This little nugget is having a blast! I don’t even think she misses me…