Kiss my girls off the bus.
Rush to change their clothes for cheer camp.
Kiss them off to carpool.
Get Grae up from her nap, change.
Feed Major, change.
Makeup for me.
Toss some cookies in the oven.
Get Grae a snack.
Kiss girls home.
Get changed for date night.
Chat with babysitter.
Toss some cookies on a plate, rush off to teacher conferences.
Rush home for date night.
Nurse Major, change.
Chat with Harlo about 2nd grade.
Kiss girls goodbye.
Smooch Mr. Miller.
I’m all his for 1 hour and 40 minutes.
Eat dinner, chat like grownups.
Browse Target, get diapers, two outfits for our growing growing boy.
Toss in some treats for the girls lunches tomorrow.
Rush home.
Feed Major, change.
Snuggle him to sleep.
Grae’s fussing, rock her.
Heart melting over her sweetness.
Kiss girls goodnight.
Settle into sweats. Aaaah…
Major’s asleep, check.
Grae’s quieted down, check.
Harlo’s teacher conference went well, check.
Did I chat with Stella today?
Get up, climb in Stella’s bed.
“Hi Stel.” “Hi mom.” we whisper.
Her arms wrap around my neck and I pull her over close.
Nose-to-nose, off she dozes.
Climb back in my own bed.
Mr. Miller comes to join me.