I can’t post today.  Someone in my house is sick.  Can you guess who?

Here are a few hints:

Last night when the babysitter was here, she peed on the floor on her way to the tub, then promptly pooped in the tub.  Causing hysteria everywhere she turned.

She woke up 12 times in the night crying for “daddy!” then after daddy tended to her, she would start crying for “mommy!”

She demanded “brepast” right when she woke up (with a hot little fever).  Then more specifically “Ogurt”.

Then before I could think of feeding myself for breakfast she was asking for “chok-it… mik”.

Then she wanted to watch “gumpy show”, but when I went to turn on gumpy show, she decided she wanted “meow show” – in a fit of rage.

After I turned on meow show, she wanted to “Color mom, I color.  Color, mommy.  I color!!! COLOR MOMMY!!!”

I promptly got coloring stuff out, but as soon as she scribbled a few lines, she decided she wanted to come to the office with me to “watch elmo show”.

Now she is watching “elmo show” while I try to write, but I am interrupted every few minutes with “new elmo show, mom! Dat one! Dat one, mommy! I aaaant dat elmo show.” while she pounds on the keyboard and clicks the mouse 203,302 times.

So, I can’t post today.  Someone in my house is sick.

That little someone?
