These mornings over the last 9 weeks (who’s counting?) have started with giving myself a little PEP TALK,

“Okay Cass, you can do this.  You can do some chores.”

“You’re not going to throw up today.  Today is the day.”

“Just a little pick-up.  You can even leave the dishes for that darling Mr. Miller.” (just kidding, Mr. Miller)

“One meal today is all I’m asking.  Just one measly meal.”

We’ll see how today goes.  If I even get one of these requests from myself done, I will have done better than any day from week 4-12.  Someone tell me that one day I’ll resume to a tidy house and home cooked meals and all the needed energy required.  Please.  Lie to me even.

In other news: sick or not, mornings are still lovely at the Miller Manor.