I’ve heard it before.

“Be careful what you say in front of your children, because they’ll end up saying those exact things.”  Of course, you know the obvious.. swear words, stupid, hate.. any sort of fighting words or potty talk.  Those are no-no’s in our house.

What I didn’t realize my children would be repeating of mine is phrases.  Those phrases I say all the time without realizing it.

Today as my girls were playing in their room, I would hear:

“There’s no whining in my office!  If you want to use your words, you can stay.” (not sure I say it quite like that.. but you get the general idea. 😉 )

“I’m feeling a little frustrated! I need to take a time out!” (Then Harlo comes out of her bedroom, closes the door and takes a few breaths before entering again.)

“Mom, this (imaginary) boy is pushing Stella.  That’s not being respectful!  He needs to take a breather.”

My words mixed in with theirs, but I know exactly where they’re getting it.

Sometimes I hear my girls use my words and I think “Oh I’m glad I talk nicely..” and other times I wince and think “I need to rephrase that.”

It’s good stuff though.  I am constantly telling my girls to talk nicer, use their words and speak kindly.  What I don’t always remember is to follow my own rules.  This is their little way of reminding me of the same things.  Each time Harlo says the bedtime prayer, she always says, “please bless us to be respectful and kindful and niceful…” the list goes on and on.  It’s probably my favorite part of life, her prayers.

Then there’s those times where you’re SUPER glad you talk nicely most of the time.. like when your kids are asked to fill in the blank for “My mom always says___”

These things seriously kill me!  Except for that awkward moment when Harlo tells her primary teacher that her mom’s job is “in Las Vegas”!  Ha!  No, I’m not a stripper, nor a cocktail waitress.  She gets that from dropping me off at the airport when I have to work.  So funny!

Also, bonus points for the whole “no comment” when asking how much I weigh.  😉

There’s nothing quite like my girls reflecting on my parenting that makes me see it in new ways.  I’m so grateful for their little reminders that I really am their biggest example in life right now.  The way I talk and act and treat people will be the way they talk and act and treat people.  I need to be always working on myself and my actions.  I need to always be working on how I treat people and be conscious of the words that come out of my mouth.  It’s just another one of those eye openers, we think we bring these children into the world to teach them, but really they’re the ones who teach us.

Each day I’m grateful for the opportunity to be better than I was the day before.  What a gift that is.