Here are some things I’m loving this week..

Obviously, Mr. Miller.  Sometimes I feel like all I do is talk about Brady, and then sometimes I feel like he doesn’t get the recognition he needs.
Consider this full recognition mode.  This boy loves me well, takes wonderful care of me and our girls and is super handsome on top of that.  I mean… triple threat in the best of ways.
Gush over.  Glad you lasted through that one. 😉

Cooking.  Nothing fills my soul like a fresh cooked meal.  I say it all the time.  This week I have been making sure to cook every night and I feel super good about myself when I do this.  I always wonder how I get out of the habit??? I know I love it, so why do sometimes I forget that for 4 days in a row??  Well, not this week.  And that’s what matters, y’all!

Matching buns.  Um… does it get better than this, people?  Does. It. Get. Better?

Wen.  Do you Wen?  I 1,000% recommend.  I’ve also been getting loads of questions about my hair regime lately, but I feel silly posting a video/tutorial on the matter.  Would anyone really want to see that?  You already know it starts with Wenning.

Diet Pepsi & Lemon. (preferably from Swig) I ain’t gonna lie.  I seriously wonder where I would be without this refreshingly sweet concoction.


Here are some things I’m struggling with..

Sleep.  I go to bed late, Stella comes in my bed in the night.. whether she stays or whether I walk her back, I can’t get back to sleep.. Harlo wakes up early, I swear I’ll go to bed earlier today (never happens) repeat.

Being present.  This is equally something I’m always working on and always struggling with.  Sometimes I dream of taking my family to live on a farm with no cell phone or internet service.  I just want to savor every last minute of my girls’ childhood.  Is that too much to ask?

Motivation.  Holy mother of mercy… I have projects out the wazoo I would LOVE to get done and have zero motivation to do them.  In my head, my house is a beautiful place. Does that count for anything??

Worrying.  I am such a worrier.  I wish I wasn’t!  I find myself worrying about all sorts of things and I just need to stop it!  I need to be present (above) and count my blessings.  I know how blessed I am, and then that gets me worried.. vicious cycle.

Balance.  Being the type of business woman I want to be mixed with being the type of mother I want to be is such a struggle of balance.  I always always hope the mothering side wins out, though.  I pray daily that I’ll be wise enough to know what’s the most important.

Most of all, I’ve had a great week so far.  I wish I could give each of you a big tight squeeze!  Thank you for showing me so much love this week.  You bless me!

xoxo, C