{February 3rd}
Apparently Stella is feeling exactly how I am about her half birthday
This little six month old is quite the character!

I cannot believe my baby is six months old!
Already half way to her first birthday…
My goodness time flies when you’re having fun!
Stella is the absolute light in our lives.
She is so sweet and well natured.
She is getting a wee particular about things,
like she likes her pink fuzzy blanky when she’s tired
(Do I have the blankiest girls, or what?!)
She still sucks her two fingers like it’s going out of style.
Most always her right hand.
She is so smiley and giggly.
She is so much fun to be around.
She has two little teefers that are just about to pop through!
Some days I can see them right under the surface,
Somedays I can’t.
I wish they’d hurry up and come through,
The poor girl has been miserable and so not herself.
Poor goosey.
She arches her back when she’s mad.
She is easily distracted when I’m trying to nurse her.
Today I had to make Harlo sit right beside me so Stella could see her.
That’s the only way I could get her to stay latched for more than a few seconds!
Other than that, she still loves nursing.
(and I have to admit I’m might proud to have made it to the 6 month mark, no plans of quitting in the near future)
She loves her big sister.
She’d sit and watch Harlo for hours if we’d let her.
She loves the sound of her own voice. (and so do the rest of us)
Harlo is always mimicking the sounds she makes.
She naps 2-3 naps a day.
I always feed her before her naps, but she always lays down awake and I never hear a peep out of her.
98% of the time she’ll sleep from 8:30 to 8. (and will still go back to sleep if we let her)
the other 2% she wakes up at 6ish and falls back to sleep til 10 or so!
I don’t know how I got TWO girls that sleep in, but I’m not complainin’.
She has taken quite the liking to her Daddy.
If we’re at work for too long without taking a stroll to his office, she gets restless.
No matter how irritable she’s been all day, when Daddy comes home, she’s all smiles.
(not QUITE as extreme as Harlo has been a daddy’s girl… Stel still loves the mama)
She is a total wiggle worm!
Her legs are always non-stop.
(in fact, just today she flung her legs out and kicked her glass bowl of dinner on the floor and it shattered everywhere!)
She splashes like a mad woman in the tub,
Harlo thinks it’s so funny until it gets a little out of hand,
Then she has to remind her, “Stel! No splasheen!”
Last week I was playing with her saying “BA-BY!” and after a few times, she says “ba-ba” in a soft little whisper.
So sweet! She’s said it just a few times since, but still not on demand.
I’ve been trying to teach her “MA-MA!” for, well.. 6 months now. 😉
She loves when I say it to her, thinks it’s hilarious.
just in the last week her mouth will try to copy mine.
She hasn’t quite figured out how to put her voice with her mouth yet so it ends up sounding like a “puh-puh” type whisper.
The other morning I walked into her room and she saw me and immediately started kicking and saying “puh-puh! puh-puh!”
I knew exactly what she meant.
Absolutely melted my heart.
(and obviously still melting since I’m tearing up just writing this!)
Probably even better than her actually saying “mama”.
She has got the rolling all over down to a science.
Today I set her down on our living room floor with her toys and went to sit on a chair across the room,
Within minutes I see her head poke out from under the coffee table right in front of my feet.
She covered the entire living room (and under the table) without a hitch!
She’s started to kinda scoot just a bit, but I still think we have a little bit until the full on crawling!
It’s funny, with your first one it seem
s like you’re waiting for the next step all the time (when is she going to crawl, when will she walk? talk? ride a bike?!)
But with the second one I”m like “no, no, no.. stop right there. I’m not ready yet!”
Her favorite toy right now is those plastic rings that hook together.
Harlo calls them keys, but that’s not really what they are.
Stella is so fascinated by them, though.
She’ll still let anyone hold her,
But she’s getting a little choosey about who she gives kisses to.
But I always get them, every time I ask! 🙂
perks of being the mom- Don’t be jeal!
Her tear duct is still a bit weepy.
I took her to a chiropractor who adjusted infants, but didn’t seem familiar with the tear duct issue.. He adjusted her neck but I haven’t noticed any difference (she did fine during the adjustment, was all smiles the whole time.) I have another chiropractor that my midwife recommended who I should have gone to in the first place, but we’ll try her out now. I really hope we can get it fixed without surgery.
It doesn’t bother her much, but the outer corner of her eye is constantly red so it bugs her when I wipe that side.
She is getting a little bit harder to juggle at work, but I’ll only be there a few more weeks and I’ll be home full time.
Definitely bittersweet since I love my job SO much, but I really think it’s what I’m supposed to be doing right now.
Stella got a little fussy the other day at work and Richard said “that’s the first time I’ve heard Stella cry!” (we’ve only been taking her to work since she was 3 weeks old.. guess that’s pretty good! 🙂
She is such a sweet little bundle of joy.
Every single day I can’t believe she’s really MINE.
She sure has me wrapped around her little finger.