{15 weeks}

My belly is definitely getting bigger by the day! I’m starting to feel really good now that I’m into my 2nd trimester. My energy is back up, and I (almost) never throw up anymore. I’ve even stopped taking my b6 combo at night that helped me feel better, and I do fine without it. I’ve been getting headaches really bad, but I went to the chiropractor last week and that seemed to have really helped! Apparently, when you have a non-walking one year old you carry everywhere and lift all the time PLUS having a growing baby inside your body, is not exactly the best thing for all your bones and joints šŸ™‚ oops! Other than that though, I’m doing really good. I feel like I’ve enjoyed this pregnancy a lot more so far than I did my first one, plus it’s going by a lot quicker šŸ™‚ I’ve started to feel him/her move a lot more now and at night seems to be the time s/he gets most crazy and active. I sort of forgot how neat it is to feel a baby move inside my belly.
We find out what s/he is soon, so I put a poll on my sidebar so anyone can vote. So far most of the votes are for girls, but we’ll see soon!!