Is it true she’ll be one YEAR old in just 1 teeny tiny month?

  • She’ll tell you what an owl {hoo-hoo} and a kitty {mowm} says
  • She pulls up to standing position on the couch, coffee table, bed, etc.
  • She says “uh-Ohhh” (and the “oh” is very emphasized by her lips)
  • She blows kisses
  • She LOVES the ABC’s, and she’ll sit still anywhere she is if I sing it to her.
  • She loves, loves, LOVES blueberries!
  • She likes to walk while we hold her hands and is getting pretty quick at it.
  • Her hair is finally long enough to clip a bow in it with NO headband! YEAH!!

She is such a funny little girl, she keep us laughing constantly.. she’s starting to be a little more mischievous, but I still just get a kick out of her.

We’re on the official countdown to her first birthday bash!