happy happy birthday to one special Daddy! (oh, and Itty turned 3!)
We had so much fun celebrating Brady’s 25th birthday with just our little family. Oddly, about everyone in our families were out of town on that very day and I was kind of feeling bad about it, but we ended up having such a great day. (please notice my cake… not bad for a VERY first time, eh? note: I DO NOT bake. Or frost.) haha

My love, I can’t wait to spend the rest of your birthdays with you. Thanks for spending your special day with us. You’re the best. The very best. I love you more than my life.

Itty, you are the greatest dog in the whole wide world. We are so lucky to have you. Isn’t it weird that you and Daddy have the same birthday? Don’t worry, we’ll always write your name on the cake.

So, here’s to the 25th!