I have about 20 minutes until Harlo is due to wake up, so I’ll make this quick! =)
Harlo is doing so great! She’s obviously as cute as can be. She is still changing so much and it’s so fun to watch her grow! She can hold her head up like a champ now, she’s super strong and likes to pretend to sit up all by herself. She’s in love with her binky and she also likes looking at Itty. (she’d probably like looking at Lou too, if he’d hold still for 3 seconds!) Her little eyes can focus on our faces now and she loves to just stare at us. She loves to slow dance with me to her favorite song “eyes on fire”, she is obsessed with this song and will sit quietly anywhere as long as it’s on. As soon as it’s over, she’ll start stirring again. It’s too funny. She also loves me to sing to her. She takes naps in her crib in her own room now and is doing so good in there! She’d probably be fine sleeping the night in there, but I’m still not quite ready for that! =) She still barely cries, when she’s mad about something she’ll let out a tiny little whale and then stick her bottom pouty lip out until she gets what she needs. It’s the cutest thing ever! She still just loves bathtime and loves her hair washed or played with. Her daddy always tickles her head and it puts her right to sleep! Brady is too cute, he’s such a good dad. If she just barely wakes up he automatically says “Babe! Babe! She’s hungry! Hurry!!” (even if she’s not crying or routing or giving ANY signs of hunger.) ha, he’s pretty over protective but it’s probably good practice. With how cute she is, he’ll need to keep that up through her high school years!! Well, my time is about up, so here’s a few pictures over the last week or 2. Enjoy!
Papa and Nana’s house
Cutest Cousins!

All About the Bow!

Pretty in PURPLE

Very relaxed after Tubby Time =)

Happy New Year with Daddy!

Happy New Year with Mommy