This year, Harlo got the “Honest Abe” award at school.

This did not surprise me one bit.  Did I ever tell you about that time I walked in to wake the girls up from school, but they were already awake and looked like a deer in the headlights?  I asked calmly, “Are you guys eating candy?” and Harlo immediately burst into tears, admitting that she had given her sisters candy.  I could hardly console her through my giggles.

Or the time I took the baby to the doctor, and she text me from home saying “I’m sorry mom but… I made a bad choice.  I used your makeup.  I know it was wrong and I am sorry.”  Precious girl couldn’t even wait the 5 minutes until I was home to break the news.

Harlo is the epitome of “painfully honest”.  I love this about her so much – she has the purest little soul.  I can always count on her for getting a straight story – even when she must tattle on herself to give it to me.

I’m sure lucky to have this little “honest abe”. <3