Last week, I took my family up to see my 94-year-old grandpa. Grae and Major met him for the first time.  I got to visit with my sweet cousin and aunt we don’t see often on Grandpa’s porch.  We chatted about motherhood, and life, and homebirth and my heart was filled right up!

I loved placing Major in his great-grandfather’s arms.  Grandpa complimented his name and told me how handsome my guy was.  Nearly a century between the two men.

My dad is my grandpa’s 4th child, I am my dad’s 4th child, and Major is my 4th child.  Four generations of Jorgensen genes right here.

(Grandpa Jorgensen is to thank for passing down Grae’s gorgeous blue eyes.)

My sweet cousin Sarah is my kindred spirit.  I’m so glad to be walking this mama life with her.  She lives in Texas, so it was so so good to squeeze her in person and chat for a few hours!  She’s also one of my favorite insta accounts to follow for mom inspo.. check her out! @timeourjoy 



Mostly this day just grounded me.  So sweet to visit my dad’s childhood home with my children, get a sense of what his life was like, and to see the legacy my Grandpa helped create.  If it’s been a while since you’ve got in touch with your roots, I recommend it.  Filled my soul to the tippy top!