
Remember me?

Cass Miller.

That girl who loves being a mom and sharing funny stories about her life and kids?

The one who thinks her husband is a super-hunk.

The one who bought that 1950’s cottage a few years ago and has been slowly remodeling it (and has impeccable taste, might I add.)

The one who had four kids in 7 years and is busier and happier than ever before?

Oh, she’s still here somewhere!

This summer picked up in intensity and I am white knuckling it to the end.  Actually, the responsibility of making everything happen is the white-knuckle part.  I’m actually dreading school starting and my kids going back to school.  BUT I do every year, and every year I’m just as excited about school starting when it actually does.  I need to lean into embracing the present and not worrying so much about the past or the future.  Don’t worry that it’s going by too fast, don’t worry about what’s next, just enjoy RIGHT NOW.  Right now really is the best anyway. (Especially for me because I have two sleeping toddlers RIGHT NOW as I’m writing this. #embraceit)

The truth is: When I am here, I am on my best game.  And when I’m not here, it’s likely that I’m struggling with juggling it all, or dealing with depression (like recently), or just like everyone else – life is pulling at me, too.  Taking me away from sometimes what I want to be doing instead (connecting here with y’all!).  So, remember if I’m not here writing I’m still HERE LIVING, and I’ll be back soon to chat about it.  xoxo

I actually want to start reflecting and writing about the topics that keep me moving day to day – like spiritual practices, and being present, and daily mantras, and self care.  I am working on something like that, and so that is what has been taking away some of my writing time as well.

So all this is to say, I’ll get back on a regular writing schedule when school starts.  I am spending the last two weeks of summer packing in as much summer into them as possible, if ya know what I mean (water, sun, naps). I try checking in on instagram every day, so go ahead and give me a follow over there if you haven’t already – #thankssamuch.

Clearly I woke up on the spicy side of the bed today, so I’m off to calm a crying toddler (she’s awake now), and snag a too-late lunch for myself.  I’ll be back soon!

Kiss kiss!

Cass ♥