Valentines is always a sweet day here at the Miller Manor.  One, because who doesn’t love a day that’s dedicated to celebrating those you love? (a lot of people, apparently, but I don’t get it!) And two, because it kicks off my birth week!  If you’re unfamiliar with what a birth week (or birth month) is, it is the celebration of your birth over an extended period of time, rather than all the pressure on one specific day.  My birthdays have become a lot more successful since I decided to celebrate throughout the month when I turned 17.  How do you celebrate a birth month, one might ask? Here are some examples:

“Where should we go eat?”
“Hmm.. probably my favorite place, since it’s my birth month.”

“Do you want a swig?”
“Sure! And get me a cookie too… it is my birth month.”

(insert sounds of screaming and whining)
“Girls, no fighting! Remember it’s mommy’s birth month!”

See how this works?  Basically you can do whatever the H-E-double-hockey-sticks you want when it’s your birth month.

This birth month of mine, however, has been full of tough decisions, lots of stress, and tons of growing pains (both literally and figuratively) so I haven’t indulged quite as much as I usually do.  The idea of Valentines though made me feel happy.  On Saturday, I took a long wonderful nap with Grae girl, while the big girls and Daddy ran some errands.  They arrived home with my favorite favorite chocolate cake from Costco.  I allllllways want this cake, but it’s about 30 lbs. of chocolate.. so it’s a little excessive to splurge on just any old day.  I almost cried tears of joy for my first Lover’s Day surprise.  I actually shrieked, which Stella loves and says I only do when I REALLY really love something, (or anytime I get a package delivered to my door… insert jazz hands!).

I always tell Mr. Miller to not to do anything much for V-day since it’s so close to my birthday.. but does that guy listen?  Not always.  This year I woke up to my favorite wild flowers and an alex and ani box.  Inside was the compass charm bracelet, which was perfect for the day after we listed our home.  The meaning read,
“An instrumental aid, a compass provides guidance and navigation through life’s unexpected twists and turns. Each cardinal direction has a significant meaning. North represents home and wisdom. South embodies passion and creation. East signifies new beginnings and inspiration. West symbolizes introspection and reflection. “Do life” and any course you follow will be fruitful.”
 Mr. Miller sure knows my heart.

We spent the rest of the morning adventuring with our little family, celebrating our love, and going to church.  After that we spent the day with my sister’s family, letting the kids play in the back yard in the beautiful sun-shiney weather and just loving each other.

While we were enjoying our day at home, we had neighbor after neighbor stop by to give our family love and wish us the best (and try to talk us out of selling our home).  Neighbors that have loved our family so well for these past 4 years, neighbors that have shaped our lives for the better in every single way.  Oh goodness, it will be tough to leave these wonderful people when the time does come. (Do you want the best neighbors ever?  Buy our house!)

When we climbed into bed on Sunday night, we felt overwhelmed by the amount of love our family had been shown.  That’s what Valentines day is all about.  That’s what life is all about.