Today Grandpa Kenney is here.  If Grandpa Kenney is at the Miller Manor on a Saturday, this means some sort of new construction is happening and it is exciting all around.

Today Mr. Miller and Grandpa Kenney are constructing a new playhouse for the backyard, which will be a surprise for Stella’s upcoming birthday.  I am so excited I can barely contain myself!  The girls think Grandpa Kenney is building a shed, they will be so excited to find out I’ve been lying to them all day (I hope).

Mr. Miller and I dreamed about this day for a long time.  Having a little playhouse in our big backyard.  We have been dreaming of our kids having picnics, playing house, running away to this little piece of our property.  They will love it and I can’t wait.

While Grandpa Kenney builds away, I will be preparing my talk for the young women tomorrow, then I will prepare dinner – bean burritos with sauteéd bell peppers and onions, and vanilla ice cream with fresh peaches from Papa’s trees and blackberries for desert.  Yum!

I imagine many of you mothers are having a very similar Saturday.  Things to do, people to see, meals to prepare.  I hope you are all enjoying every ounce of it today.
