A couple weeks ago my oldest bff came into town. Me and Teale have been friends forever! We met in pre-school (I went to vonnie’s daycare and “Vonnie” was her grandma) then continued onto Kindergarten together and then our sisters became friends, and from there our parents became friends! Teale and her family sadly moved away when we were just in second grade but we’ve stayed in touch all these years. So we’ve been friends for 18 years in total! My goodness.. makes me sound old, ha.
Anyway, we had babies around the same time, Baby Attilio was born just right between my two girls. It was so fun to finally meet him in person and catch up with Teale while our babies got to play.

And most importantly, I got to love on this cute face:
And Tealey got to love on my sweet babes, too. Stella loved her Auntie Teale.

Attilio was in heaven with all our girl toys. He jumped right into tea parties like he was an old champ!

Here’s to another 18 years!