Waking up from naptime is probably my very most favorite time of my day:
She gets SO excited to see Stella when she wakes up
(disreguard the boogies in the nosey)

She just chats and chats with Stel. Stel is such a good listener!

Harlo loves when Stel tries to “eat her”. Stella thinks it’s pretty silly too. This is our day EVERYDAY after nappies. What can I say? I’m a junkie with these girls. For some reason I got a kick out of all the shots I got:Oh, and in case you’re wondering if we still have Itty Von… We do. šŸ™‚

Harlo is SO much fun.
She is now at the age where she repeats everything and loves to hear her own voice.
Some of my faves:
If I tell her ANYTHING “be careful”, “watch out”, “get your shoes”… she says “whyyyy-a?”
If I ask her anything, “did you have fun?”, “are you my lovey?” she says, “yeah.”
She always says “Hi Mommy(or whoever she’s talking to)” I say “hi Harlo” and she always says “Hi.” again.
With Stella, she is always talking to her so funny.
Lately she always says words in this exact combination “Hi, Stella, Hi. Hi. Hi.” “Shh, Stella. Shh. Shh. Shh.”, “Goodneth, Stella, Goodneth, Goodneth!” haha, I don’t know where she got it but I love it!
She is getting so much better at talking on the phone. (probably from all the practice calls she’s had)
She now not only answers questions you ask her on the phone, but asks questions herself.
Like “whatta doing?” and “Are you?” (where are you)
She had so much fun for “how-a-weeeeen”
She was a “Bumby bee” and so was Daddy.
Stella and Mommy were “buggy bugs” (ladybugs)
She loved all things Halloween.
We took her trick-or-treating to Nana’s and a few of her neighbors.
Harlo was so cute,
She said “trick n’ treeeeeat“, she’d take a treat and when they’d offer her more, she’d put her other treat back and pick again. ha.
She put the treat in her pumpkin pale and never asked for it again. Whew!
Maycee let her pick a treat from her bag after I told her she could have one.
Guess what she picked?
proudest mama ever.
She loves to get my hair-ties out and put them on her wrist.
She also loves to try to put on my clothes and asks me,
She still says “Bless me!”
to anyone who sneezes.
She loves when Stella has “bubbles!”
She always wants to call Nana or Auntie on the phone.
She asks me a million times a day.
She is the best baby sitter ever. So soft with Stella and keeps her so entertained.
Stella loves her.
We’ve had to start watching what we say around her a bit.
The last time I picked her up at Nana’s house, she told me that Harlo had said “Oh damnit!”
Brady said he heard her say it before too, but I still insist she’s saying “darn it” because she says it “oh dan it”.
Who knows… she very well could be saying “damnit” but I think it’s “Darn it” and it just sounds like “damnit”
But when her stoller got stuck on the corner of the wall and she said “thit!” I knew exactly what she was saying, and exactly where it came from.
Stella is still the first thing she asks for in the morning.
And she still can hear an “airpane!” from miles away.
She loves my boss, “Unka Rick-ad”
She doesn’t like to get in trouble at all.
I just have to say “k, go on..” (calmly might I add) and she burst out in tears.
Such a Sensitive Sal.
She says “thank you” without being prompted.
And when you say “you’re welcome.” she responds “welcome, too”
She can say, “6,7,8,9,10” but somehow CANNOT get “1,2,3,4” in the right order.
She knows what pants, shorts, shoes, shirt and socks are.
She loves when I tell her something excited-like and tries to do the same for me.
She’ll say “mama!” with her eyebrows raised and a big smile so I get excited about it.:)
She can put her shoes on, and almost every time gets them on the right feet.
It amazes me everytime.
She also can get her pants on to her knees but not pull them up.
She loves to sit on the potty, but doesn’t actually “potty”
Dr. Marsden was impressed she asks to go so often and thinks she’ll be potty trained anyday…
I, on the other hand, know my daughter and know she does things exactly when she wants to do them. Remember this post? It could be years! šŸ˜‰
I honestly couldn’t be LESS in a hurry for her to be out of diapers..
I can jsut imagine being in teh middle of Walmart, cart full, two babies and Harlo needs to potty.
Not so fun.
She is just such a character. I can’t believe next month she’ll be two…
How did that even happen????