My cutest big girl! Getting ready for a tubby!
It’s torture waiting to get in the tubby!

Harlo hates getting pictures taken these days… ugh!
Her belly is slimming down and so are her chubby legs 🙁 (see picture above)
Guess that’s what a few months of walking does to ya!
She has turned into such a big girl since her sister was born.
If she starts to whine all I have to say is “Oh, don’t scare Stella!” and she zips it right up!
First thing in the morning she asks for Stella, then Daddy.
She has named her blankets “blanky” and “blanky two”
whichever blanket is not “blanky” it’s “blanky two”.
She insists on sleeping with all 4 blankies, one is “blanky” the others are all “blanky two”
got it? Makes perfect sense.
She loves lotion, I give her a little on her hands and it immediation goes to her belly.
She loves grapes.
She is SUCH a good eater, some days eating more than Brady or me.
Since I’ve had Stella, I notice she is different with her baby dolls.
She holds them on her shoulder and walks around and tires to multi task while holding them.
I guess that’s what I look like with Stella.
Such a little observer!
When she sees Stella she always says “Hello! Hello!” or “Stel!” in her cheesiest voice.
love it!
She copies us a lot now.
She’ll say basiaclly anything you tell her to say.
She especially copies Auntie with whatever she does.
She LOVES peace signs.. although she calls them “keys” because Ali has a peace sign keychain.
She spots them everywhere we go and always notices when Ali wears them,
She gets so excited whenever she sees them, “keys!! keys!!”
Ali got her a shirt with a peace sign on it and she just carries it around saying “my keys.”
Aunt Amy has been watching her this week in the mornings while I go to work,
I still have mixed feelings about it and miss her like crazy, but she’s done so well!
She loves going to play with Kelsee and Kash during the day
and has all sorts of stories about them for us when we get home from work.
I don’t like being away from her at all,
but it makes it soo much better when I know she is well taken care of and happy!
She loves showing me where Stella’s “hands, piggies, belly, nose, eyes, ears, hair, head, knees, mouth, armies, leggies” are 🙂
When I picked her up today Amy mentioned how well she uses her words rather than whining
when she wants/doesn’t want something.
Proud moment.
When we pull up to Swig she’ll say “coke, ice?”
She knows exactly what we order
(and although she says “coke”, she’s never tasted it so she really doesn’t know what it is,
just observes enough to know that’s what I order.)
Okay I’m lying, she has tasted it ONCE the week after Stella was born,
RRRReally sad day for mama.
Luckily, she hasn’t made a habit of sneaking sips/I keep a closer eye on my drink.
if I have to tell her something important I’ll say “look at me,”
which she does right away and I say “do you understand?” to which she replies “yep.”
Just as simple as that, “yep.”
I absolutely love the age she is right now and I swear it is the best age for being a big sister.
She is always wanting to help out and has never acted the slightest bit jealous.
It’s funny that I spent so much of my pregnancy stressing she would feel replaced and now if she
sees me and I’m not holding Stella, she immediately thinks somethings wrong and asks
“Where Stella go?”
She is such a helper!
I can ask her to go get me basically anything (diaper, keys, my phone, my drink, the remote)
and she’ll to find it and bring it right to me.
Note: We dont’ take advantage of this new skill, only if my hands are full with Stella 🙂
She’s always proud of herself after completing the task and we all have to clap for her.
She always fake-laughs if anyone is laughing.
She is SUCH a ham.