We had a fabulous 4th (well 3rd… we live in Utah.. can’t have it all!) We spent our morning at the park, had a nice relaxing afternoon with the family and finished it off with a delicious BBQ and some fireworks.

{Me and my girls.. yes that’s an A1 stain on my larger-than-life belly}

These pictures completely sum up Harlo’s relationship with the fireworks:
{All taken one right after the other… she was not so sure!}
when they were done, she would cheer…

…And then the panic would set in.
Overall, we had a fabulous day. She didn’t quite make it for the city fireworks, 10:00 is a little late for her normally 8:00 bedtime, but she got SO close. Better luck next year, I guess.
Brady and I, however, snuggled up on our back porch swing and watched them from there. Love this house.