I feel like my little baby infant turned into a pre-toddler right before my very eyes in the last week! Can you stop growing so fast? Please?

She now tries to mimick things you tell her to say. Today I said “buh-bye!” and she said “buh, buh” It probably doesn’t really qualify for saying “bye-bye” but she’s definitely trying to figure it out.
She loves cheese. I cut up little cubes that she can feed herself. At first she was just picking out the cheerios (did I mention she eats real cheerios now?) but lately she’s been picking out the cheeses. (as I’m typing this she’s figured out how to throw bits of cheese to Itty.. this should be fun!)
She CRAWLS. She’s still a little slow, not covering too much ground at a time, but I think by the end of the weekend I’ll be whistling a different tune.
She’s such a daddy’s girl, it’s ridiculous! From day one she’s had a preference for Daddy, but now if he leaves the room she cries, or if even I try to take her from him, she cries!