Whoever taught my husband how to feed Harlo her oatmeal, put her in the tubby, get her into her properly sized (and even clean!) jammies, prepare a bottle and nearly put her to sleep all by himself. I’d like to thank you.
I had a fun time by myself for the first time ever since Harlo was born, at girl’s night. (Not quite as fun as I have at home with my trio, but you get the picture)
Tonight Harlo and I are watching Idol (she’s DYING to see who wins!) by ourselves while daddy is having a “daddy’s-golf-night”.
As much fun as we’ve had, we’re probably in need of a family date night, eh babe?
{B, I’m so glad I’m married to you, thanks for being my better half}
{H, you’re the best thing I’ve ever done. (and obviously the best thing I’ve ever made, you’ve personally witnessed the small fires I’ve made it the kitchen…) Some may try to argue, but I know you’re the most fabulous lady around}