.eighteen months.
:: stats ::
25 lbs | 65 %
33 inches | 87 %

Oh, my lovey little babe.

She’s sweet as can be,

….with a whole lotta drama!

Oh my little Stelly babe.
Where to even begin?
She is so full of personality, I often wonder how she contains it into that little body of hers.
She has the most scrumptious round belly and squishiest legs and cheeks.
She is the stuff only heaven could create.
We had her 18 month well check last week and she is doing just fabulously.
Dr. Marsden congratulated me on a job well done with feeding the child.
He was also amazed at how well she could talk and how active she was.
Always good visits with Dr. M.
I had brought up that I was semi-concerned about her sleeping patterns. She likes to go to bed somewhere around 7:30 and will usually sleep in until 11am if I let her… then she’s ready for a nap again between 1-2.
He assured me that there is nothing to worry about and probably not to mention it to a lot of other moms who are having the exact opposite problem. (sorry, moms!)
He said as long as she is growing and developing on track (which she definitely is) that much sleep is just fine.
She was a total charmer with him and didn’t give him the slightest bit of grief… until it was time for shots.
*a little side note.. this is the FIRST doctors appointment Brady has missed with our girls.. and it was a shots appointment that I couldn’t really push back since I didn’t start her shots until she was a lot older and space them out so much. I think it was harder on Brady to miss it than it was for me to endure it alone… shots are NOT my thing. I am at a constant war with myself on even doing them at all. BUT we got through it with a few tears (on both my part, and Stella’s) It seems like it was a lot worse than it was, but realistically I think she only cried for about 30 seconds, although she did have to remind me about it a few times before we left the building. That’s always the worst for me.
She did okay with shots this time. Woke up the next morning a little warm but seemed overall okay with the whole process after that.
She also just popped up 2 of her top molars with her 2 bottom ones right behind.
It’s been a rough week for the little bean.
With all that craziness going on, though, you wouldn’t ever know it based on her attitude.
She is such a fun and funny baby.

She is very independent these days.
Always wants to walk or do it herself everywhere we go.
She’s not the most obedient baby, though, so this creates a bit of a hassle on my part.
Luckily I have Harlo there to always lend a helping hand. My goodness, she’s a good sister.
She loves the storytime songs, throw your teddy bear, hokey-pokey and happy and you know it.
She’s also taken a sudden interest in reading books.
She’ll climb up on the rocking chairs all throughout the day and flip through some books.
She’ll also play really well with Harlo now.
They’ll play babies or barbies together for a good half hour without needing me.
It always amazes me how much of an imagination she has at this age.
She’ll make crying noises for her baby, then calm it down, then wrap it up and put it to sleep and she’ll tell me to “shhh!” to not wake her baby.
I’m sure having a 3 year old sister helps in that department.
Her hair continues to just pile in.
She’s got a definite mullet right now.
Not quite sure what to do about the situation, but for now, she’s rockin’ it.
She has just enough hair on top now to clip a small bow in it.. but she immediately rips it out so we still resort to headbands a lot.
I’ll take what I can get.
She’s obsessed with brushing her teeth.
If she spots a tooth brush anywhere, she demands to brush her teeth.
She is still painfully addicted to her “boo”.
We forgot it today at home while we went to brunch, and I’m pretty sure that wont happen again for a long time.
She’s a disaster without it.
I asked Dr. Marsden when I should take the girls blankies away and he said, “never.”
Whew! I was starting to get worried.
She is such a funny little girl.
She thinks it’s so funny to give you a super dirty look, but it’s always followed by a toothy little grin.
She has such a quirky little sense of humor.
Her 3 bottom teeth continue to be the highlight of my life.
She keeps us laughing all. day. long.
We couldn’t imagine our life without her.
She is such a little bundle of sunshine.