This week as we’ve continued to be busy not being busy, we have added another element of non-busy-ness that is taking up much of our time. We have opened a new dance studio right in our home.
We thought, you know, who needs a living room? Big couches take up much of the space that could be used for dancing.. it’s a crying shame. So for this week only, the Miller Dance Studio is open for business.
We now have a lot more room for putting on beautiful gowns (over our messy-from-lunch shirts… no big)

And dancing around in our new studio.

And with all this dancing time, I seem to have lost the time to shower or get ready for the day and I find myself still in my sweats well into the afternoon, which is unfortunate.. and rather fortunate at the same time.

And if you’re wondering if I let my children out of the house with stains on their shirts, and messy faces, wearing whatever they’ve concocted… No, I don’t.
And if you’re wondering if I let my children change their clothes 9,203 times a day and let them be messy at meals and dance around to Rihanna radio on pandora in what used to be my living room… Yes, I do.