{39 Weeks}
We officially have only days left!
I have never been this pregnant before.
I sort of feel like this baby is never coming out.
Other than driving myself crazy thinking anyday could be the day, I’m still feeling pretty good.
I’m having contractions all the time, but nothing stays consistant.
I’m actually sleeping really well lately which is such a blessing!
Harlo’s actually been sleeping in lately so we’re usually in bed til 9:30 or 10.. love her!
Some days I want to cry every second that I’m still pregnant,
Some days I love it and am sad it’s almost over..
Some days I want to just schedule the induction and throw my natural plan out the window.
Mostly I’m just trying to soak up all the time alone I have with Harlo.
I was watching a birth video the other day and Harlo woke up. She was all interested in the moms with “Baby Lella’s” (pregnant bellies) so I decided to go ahead and let her watch. She was so cute, didn’t seem the slightest bit worried about the baby coming out she just said “oh! Baby! oh! Baby!!” so excited. I had to remind myself she doesn’t know that hurts or doesn’t have all that fear instilled in her yet. I was glad she did so well and I hope it made the whole thing make a little more sense about how “Baby Lella” is actually coming out of my belly soon. Hard to explain those things to a 19 month old, but I think she gets it as much as any young child would.
I get about 20 calls a day from people saying “have you had your baby yet??”
Those are always fun calls. 🙂
It’s funny that Harlo came 2 1/2 weeks early and now this baby is looking like she’s going to go over!
I’ve been trying to think of fun things to do everyday,
but really nothing sounds more fun than having a baby at this point.
Wish me luck for the next 5 (or more) days.
Really hoping this is my last “Weekly Bump” post 🙂